Web Blog Development

Web Blog


Enhance web blogging productivity by enabling sharing of daily/weekly work efforts, engaging with the community, and creating an online web portfolio of skills and projects.

Technical Goals/Overview

Refresh (update software package versions, theme) for existing Jekyll static blog project. Improve UI design for readability and navigation. The goal is to create a responsive and fast blog that facilitates publishing blog content efficiently as well as consuming blog content. Additional considerations: easy theme updates and rapid development and deployment.

Summary: Technical Implementation

  1. Jekyll Project Update:
    • Major version updates to Ruby and Jekyll.
    • Changed and integrated Jekyll theme using Git modules for easy theme updates.
  2. Theme Customization:
    • Adapted post, page layouts and CSS to match UI design objectives.
    • Implemented sticky headers.
    • Customized menu and links supporting navigation of CSharp Guide. Developed a custom script to iterate through Markdown files within the defined folder structure.
    • Ensured the layout remains responsive and mobile-friendly.
  3. CI/CD Process Pipeline:
    • Facilitate rapid local development,
    • Multiple deployments
      • using GitHub Actions to GitHub Pages
      • Additional deployment to Apache.

Overall, the technical implementation focused on updating dependencies the Jekyll project, ensuring rapid local development, and the ability to iteratively deliver a responsive static blog that meets UI and navigation goals.

Skills Footprint:

Category Technical Specifics
general Web Development * Static Site Web Development
standards HTML * CSS * Markdown * YAML
tools VSCode * GIT * Ruby
concepts Static Blog * Responsive Design * CI/CD * Git Modules * Templating Engine
packages Jekyll
deployment Github Actions * Github Pages * Apache