A concise guide to C# Language Features

Code Sage

My first venture into blogging was a collection of articles on C# language features. The articles are organized progressively by version release i.e. chronologically and then alphabetically by language feature.

To ease navigation when visiting the guide links to C# articles can be found below each article and in the menu.

My motivation at the time for the C# guide was as follows to create a consistent and organized reference for C# language features not found elsewhere.

How the world has changed since then! The C# language has evolved and so has the internet. The internet has become a much richer resource for learning C# language features.


Brandon Dsouza

PS Some notes about the code examples within the guide:

  • Using statements have been omitted for brevity.
  • Other than the missing using statements and namespace, all code compiles and executes.

Skills Footprint:

Category Technical Specifics
general Console Application * Documentation
standards CSharp
tools Visual Studio * GIT
concepts Language Features * Object Oriented Programming * Design Patterns
packages .NET * CSharp