CI/CD of Python Web App with GitHub Actions

GitHub Action


Enhance web application quality and speed up development iterations.

Technical Goals/Overview

Automate build, testing, and deployment of Python web application using GitHub Actions.

Summary: Technical Implementation

  1. Create GitHub Actions Workflow to
    • trigger job upon check in to branch
    • checkout branch
    • install python
    • install app dependencies (pip)
    • install test dependencies (pytest, playwright, browser)
    • run tests
    • merge to production branch (if tests successful)
  2. Test and verify GitHub Actions Workflow is working as expected

Skills Footprint:

Category Technical Specifics
general CI/CD * Automated Testing * Automated Deployment
tools VSCode * GitHub Actions * GIT * Python * PIP * PyTest * PlayWright
concepts CI/CD * Regression Testing * Continuous Integration * Continuous Deployment * Refactoring * Clean Code
packages pip * pytest * playwright
deployment GitHub Actions