Why Angular App Development?

Code Sage

A primary benefit of angular vs typical web application development is improving the user experience by reducing the number web server interactions and improving the responsiveness of the application. Generally, the application is loaded once and then the user navigates through the application without the need to refresh the page. The application is responsive and reacts to user input and page transitions, user interactions, etc are all managed by the angular application running in the browser.

Consider the C# guide I published as a static website using Jekyll. Each click on a new link typically results in a new page being loaded. Although, the user experience is fast as a static site, the user experience could be improved by loading the entire guide as a single page application (SPA) and then the user navigates through the application without the need to refresh the page or “hit the server”.

I have created an angular version of the C# guide. Additionally, I have added a contextual search feature to the angular version of the guide where the only interaction with the server is the initial load. The angular version of the guide is available at the following link:

Angular SPA C# Guide


Brandon Dsouza

Skills Footprint:

Category Technical Specifics
general Web Development * Angular Development
standards HTML * CSS * JSON * Typescript
tools VSCode * GIT * NPM * Angular CLI * Karma * Jasmine
concepts Single Page Application * Responsive Design
packages Angular * Angular Material